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How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 4 Page 4
How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 4 Read online
Page 4
Alicia clenched her teeth upon hearing this. “Impossible! That is the role of the Imperial Knights, and I have never seen such a suspicious Knight as you before!”
“Ku-ku-ku... Well said for someone who was just prattling on about bringing down the kingdom. I bear not the token title of Imperial Knight, but am nonetheless a shinobi, an agent who moves in the shadows at the behest of the king. I am called Kuzukage.”
Cross Reverie’s setting was based on European fantasy, but the game had also implemented ninja outfits as joke costumes. There were also samurais, and gunmen straight out of a spaghetti western as well. Diablo thought those kinds of things were exclusive to the game only, but for it to exist here, too... It was far too out of place in a world like this.
Rem and Shera looked at the shinobi suspiciously.
“Wh-What is with this person!?”
“He dresses like a weirdo!”
—Seems like it is a strange outfit in this world after all.
Diablo readied 《Tenma’s Staff》. The space between them was only five paces wide. Judging by the katana on his back, Diablo’s opponent was most likely a Warrior. He was at a disadvantage in terms of where he was fighting and where he was starting, but Diablo couldn’t afford to retreat now.
“Hmph... So you’re a spy of the king. I can’t so easily let you go back alive.”
“Ku-ku-ku... And the same goes for myself. I cannot allow you to live after seeing me.”
“You fool. Think about your situation before opening your mouth.”
“My situation? One traitor, three Demis, two Fallen... Faced with my ninjutsu, you are all mere numbers.”
“Hmph, who said it was a problem of numbers?”
“You stand before the Demon Lord Diablo, and you say you cannot let me live? Know your place, foolish whelp.”
“Ku-ku-ku... What an amusing Demi. Allow me to show you who the real whelp is here.”
Kuzukage suddenly disappeared.
—Instant teleportation!?
That’s just how fast the ninja had rushed by him. A gush of blood spurted from Diablo’s right arm; the upper portion of his 《Ebony Abyss》 had been slashed. From the opposite side of the room, he heard the sound of a katana being sheathed.
Kuzukage held two fingers in front of his mouth. Diablo whirled around, glaring at him.
—He’s fast. Really fast.
In terms of speed alone, he was faster than Galford; but even so, Diablo couldn’t show any weakness now.
“What? Is that it?”
“Don’t spout such drivel. There is no feasible way for a Sorcerer such as yourself to keep up with my movements!”
Kuzukage came rushing at him again. A deeper slash this time, made on Diablo’s left arm. He came back again, continuing with another blow. Kicking off the walls, the ceiling—Kuzukage sped about the room as he pleased, swinging his katana. Diablo’s wounds continued to increase, his blood spilling to the floor.
“Fuahahaha! How do you like that, Sorcerer! This is what it means to be a shinobi!”
As Kuzukage came rushing toward him again, Diablo thrust Tenma’s Staff forward, slamming it into his assailant’s face.
He was sent flying backward. Just as his back was about to crash into the wall, Kuzukage changed his position at the last second, planting his feet on it instead. He descended to the floor.
The mask fell off his face, crushed to pieces. Blood the color of tar poured out of his nose, dripping onto the floor.
Diablo shrugged.
“And? Weren’t you going to show me who the real whelp was, you whelp?”
Kuzukage ground his teeth together. “How could a Sorcerer see through my 《Shadow Running》 technique!?”
“It seems you are gravely mistaken about something. I have said it before, but I am no mere Sorcerer: I am a Demon Lord from another world!”
—Sure, you’re fast, but the usual counter to a Sorcerer is a bow and arrow. The rain of arrows I usually have to deal with are way faster than you.
No matter how fast they were, Diablo could always see through a Warrior’s rushdown techniques. If he didn’t have those kinds of reflexes, he would never have been able to face off against Archer-mains.
—If your movement was a bit more complex, it would’ve been harder to get my counterattack in, though.
He really wanted to use magic, but it was too dangerous to keep himself fixed in place to cast a spell against an agile opponent like this. He would at least want to take this fight outside first.
“《Flying Kunai》!!” Kuzukage swung his arm.
Klem was the aim of his sudden attack, of all people. A diamond-shaped blade similar to multiple tips of spears flew through the air, striking her in the forehead. With a high-pitched clang, the kunai was bounced away.
“What the...!?” Kuzukage’s eyes widened.
Klem glared at him. “You’ve got some nerve throwing something at a Demon Lord. Very well... I will teach you the true meaning of fear.”
Flashes of black lightning coiled around Klem’s hand. Was it part of a spell? Some kind of special skill?
Before Klem could unleash her attack, Edelgard rushed forward, burning with rage.
“Dare, do that, to Demon Lord! Will, kill you! Sacrificial Charge!!”
It was the name of a Martial Art unleashed by using a spear. Edelgard was unarmed at the moment, however, so she had thrust forth her fist instead. Kuzukage twisted his body to avoid the attack as it grazed across his cheek.
“Charge, Asulau!”
Rem had called forth her Summon, an enormous steer with three horns growing out of its head. At almost the same time, three arrows had been fired in the direction Kuzukage was fleeing. It was 《Triangle Shot》, a technique unique to Archers; it was Shera. Diablo knew she was proficient with a bow, but he had no idea she could even use Martial Arts as well.
“Hurting Diablo, aiming for Klem... I won’t forgive you for that!”
Although Kuzukage managed to avoid every attack thrown at him, as far as Diablo was concerned, it had bought enough time.
—I’m not used to fighting as a team with friends, but it’s true having them on the front lines makes things easier for me.
His spell was complete; he pointed Tenma’s Staff.
“I am not so softhearted as to be careful with the life of an enemy who attacked me with the intent to kill. Regret your decision to oppose a Demon Lord from the depths of hell! 《Burst Rain》!!”
There were times a speedy enemy could dodge spells that had a limited range. This, however, was an AoE spell that hurled countless balls of fire.
Kuzukage spread out some kind of scroll. “《Concealed Water》...!”
A wall of water appeared in front of him, but it was meaningless. An infinite hail of fireballs pelted against the wall, boiling the water and turning it into steam. They easily penetrated through. On the other side of the water wall, the balls of fire found their way directly to Kuzukage. It was one direct hit after another.
He was smashed to pieces, changing back into a thick, tar-like substance. Burst Rain pulverized Kuzukage, even going so far as to vaporize the wall behind him.
Slamming his staff into the ground, Diablo glared at where the enemy once stood. The wall had disappeared, with specks of black fluid scattered over the scorched wood. The cold sweat returned to his back.
—Oh crap, did I screw up!?
There was a knock on the door behind him—
“Oh dearest customers~? You’re being a bit of a nuisance. ☆”
It was the voice of the inn’s receptionist.
Before anyone could answer, the door opened. With a sparkling smile, a Pantherian girl wearing a maid outfit entered the room and saw that the wall had been blasted away.
A demon had descended upon them—
r /> —the demon of extremely expensive bills.
Mei, the receptionist, was all smiles.
“Oh, Mr. Customer? It’s quite a problem for me to not have a wall there. ☆” She may have been smiling, but you could almost see the sound effects for “rumbling” appearing behind her.
There was no doubt about it: She was pissed. He had blown away part of the inn’s wall, so of course she’d be angry.
Rem bowed her head. “...I’m terribly sorry... But there is a reason for this.”
“Oh, no, it’s fine. Totally fine. Little ol’ me is used to this by now. I mean, this is the third time it’s happened, right?”
“...Please allow us to reimburse you.”
The first time this happened was when a Fallen demolished the first Peace of Mind Inn, the cost of which was apparently taken care of by the country. The second time, the wall had been destroyed by other Adventurers. Since they were the ones that broke it, Diablo and the others made them foot the bill, of course.
But this time the incident was caused by one of the king’s spies. Not only that, but Diablo had completely demolished him using magic. They were going to have to pay for this one out of their own pockets.
Alicia stepped forward. “I am incredibly sorry for the trouble we have caused here. I don’t think this alone will be enough, but...”
She pulled a small pendant with a crimson jewel set in it from the pocket of her clothes. Taking it, Mei checked it using the candle stand she held.
“Hmm... It looks real, but I don’t think just this will be enough to cover it all~☆”
“I-I see.”
As one might expect from Alicia, she possessed quite a hefty amount of savings, her being the daughter of an aristocrat and all; but it still seemed like the price for repairing a partially destroyed building was in a whole league of its own. Diablo and the others were seriously lacking in financial power. They were already in the red with just the amount they spent on Klem’s biscuits.
“...This is a problem. If we cannot pay this, we’ll probably be chased out of the inn. For the sake of public order, it is forbidden to make camp inside the town, which means we would have to leave the city...” Rem whispered.
“...Not only that, but she might even call the guards. If that were to happen—ah!”
Realizing their blunder, Rem’s eyes opened wide. Diablo noticed it as well, but it was too late. At almost the same time, Mei let out a scream of shock.
“Ngyah!? Wh-Who are those girls...!?” She was staring straight at Edelgard.
—We screwed up!
Because of all the troubles they had just been through, they were late in thinking of how to deal with Edelgard. There was no way Mei would just overlook there being a Fallen in town. And since Klem was wearing pajamas, her tail was completely exposed as well.
Mei backed away. “A-Are they... Fallen!? And they’re going to eat me because I’m so cute I look delicious!?”
Edelgard stepped forward, reaching out with her hand.
—Wait, you’re not planning on killing her, right!?
He thought back to how she had cleaved the five bandits in half when they had seen her. Panicking, he went to stop her...but it wasn’t necessary. What Edelgard held in her hand was not a weapon this time, but a large gem about the size of a coin.
“Need...this? Have, lots.”
“Sparkly, and pretty. Fallen, trade this...for food. And weapons.”
—So the Fallen have their own currency, too... No, I guess it would be more like bartering for goods with jewels.
Even Rem and Shera’s eyes were glittering.
“...It... It’s amazing... Such a large, sparkling diamond...”
“It’s so pretty! Like, super pretty!”
“Just as I would expect from Lady Edelgard,” Alicia said, smiling.
Though Mei’s face had been contorted with fear up until now, it was now replaced with seriousness as she took the jewel and stared at it.
“Th-This is incredible, nya... I can’t be sure without taking this to a specialist...but I’m certain this thing is worth enough to rebuild this busted-up inn and still get change back, nya...”
Letting her true colors show, she muttered under her breath. With a short gasp, she returned to her usual business smile.
“Aha. ☆ Please, enjoy your stay here, everyone! Oh, and that’s right, I’ll make sure to get another room ready for you until this wall is fixed. ☆”
It was a wonderfully abrupt about-face from Mei.
“A-Are you sure!? These people are Fallen, you know...!?” Rem asked, astounded.
“As long as they’re paying, they’re customers to me~”
“...Are you not afraid? The town just came under attack by the Fallen not too long ago!”
“Rem...being in a business means risking your life, got it? Wink. ☆”
—It looks like the Peace of Mind Inn’s management was in more dire straits than I thought. Guess that means it’s tough for everyone trying to make a living here.
Mei turned her sparkling business smile toward Edelgard. “Ehehe. ☆ I’ll serve you breakfast, too, so make sure you come to the dining hall in the morning. ☆”
“Oh, but what do Fallen eat, anyway? Frogs and stuff?”
“Edelgard...likes, fish.”
Thinking about it, Klem’s favorite food was biscuits, so maybe a Fallen’s palate wasn’t all that different from the rest of the races.
“That’s A-OK by me! ☆ I’ll fry that fishy right up for you!”
“Also, boar...and, deer...and...”
“Whatever you want!”
Both Mei and Rem shrank back. It really gave the feeling she was a wild animal from the forest who would eat just about anything.
“But Edelgard, wouldn’t it be bad if other people saw you?” Shera spoke, worried.
With a flick, Mei raised her index finger. “It’s all good. ☆ Just leave it to Mei, nya!”
Several minutes later—
“Y-You! You were actually a Sorcerer all this time!?”
Diablo was dumbfounded. That’s just how good Mei’s makeup techniques were.
Mei stuck out her chest with a smug look on her face. “How do ya like that! Girls transform, you know! ☆”
Edelgard’s skin, usually covered in small scales, was now completely smooth. She wore black tights on her legs, with white gloves covering her hands. Her reptilian eyes were hidden behind thick glasses and by how her bangs now hung down in front of her face.
She awkwardly tried saying the line she was taught: “W-Welcome, back...Master?”
Klem, on the other hand, was wearing an outfit that made her look like a pop idol. Her almost transparent skin required no makeup, but she wore eyeshadow on her eyelids, with eyeliner underneath. She also wore a hat to hide her horns, which almost looked like a decoration, and a skirt shaped like a parasol in order to hide her tail.
Klem made a sideways peace sign. “I’m all sparkly! ☆”
“Ehe! ☆ Very sparkly, nya!”
The next day—
Alicia was heading back to the Royal Capital. Though Diablo had disintegrated Kuzukage, the king’s spy, they didn’t know what kind of information had already been relayed back to the king. It was too dangerous to risk.
Even so, her resolution was firm.
“I will certainly find evidence of the king’s misgoverning for you, Sir Diablo, as well as gather information on the capital’s military might and how they are dispersed.”
“G-Good...but your own life takes priority; I am in no rush, after all. In fact, I was just thinking how it might be better to take things slow from here on out...”
“By bringing down the Lyferian Kingdom, right!”
—Like he
ll that’s what it means to take it slow!
Firing off a retort in his mind, he put on a bold smile fitting of a Demon Lord and saw Alicia off.
After, the group took Edelgard to Petre’s, where she became addicted to the fish sandwiches there. They were made by frying up some freshwater fish, which were then stuck between two slices of bread. To be honest, it wasn’t a very popular item... Perhaps a Fallen’s tastes were unique after all.
“Amazing... Just like, magic energy...Demon Lord, gave, to me! Sweet? Sweet!”
Though she was complimenting it, these weren’t exactly words that he could let the guys at Petre’s hear. Otherwise, developing a deep appreciation for other dishes as well, Edelgard was completely engrossed by the cuisine of the races.
As for Klem, it seemed she finally realized that you could get biscuits and other treats like them at places other than bakeries. Trying out food at different places became a hobby for the two.
“Listen well, for I have discovered a whole new truth! A new path to the most supreme dark powers has opened!”
Shera nodded as she listened to Klem’s little speech. “Yeah, chocolate biscuits are pretty good, too, right?”
“They’re the best! Buy more of them! Buy them all!”
“We’re only spending 500 friths a day on sweets, OK?”
“Mmngh... Chocolate is amazing, but the fact it’s so expensive is not!”
It was a truth that reeked of common knowledge. After all, cacao was a rare commodity in Faltra, with chocolate being a product that commanded an extravagant price.
But Diablo considered cheese bread to be the ultimate food here. The surface of the bread was crispy, and it contained melty cheese and tomato in the middle.
Their peaceful lifestyles continued like this for half a month...
Interlude 1
A girl ran through the forest—
Her breathing ragged, she dodged the trees in her path through the gaps between them. Her silk dress caught on the branches as she ran, tearing it off in pieces. She had already thrown away her high-heels, since they made it harder to run, but her face twisted in pain as she stepped on a jagged rock with her bare feet, drawing blood.