How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 10 Read online

  The story so far—

  In the MMORPG Cross Reverie, Takuma Sakamoto was overwhelmingly powerful, and was able to role play so well that his performances were more boss-like than the actual bosses of the game. For this reason, he came to be known as the “Demon Lord.”

  By defeating the Demon Lord of the Mind, Enkvaros, faster than anyone else, he obtained the super rare item, the Demon Lord’s Ring. It was one of the ultimate pieces of equipment in the game, able to reflect all types of magic.

  Then, one day, Takuma found himself summoned to a world that looked exactly like Cross Reverie! Having performed the ritual magic at the same time, the Pantherian, Rem, and the Elf, Shera, fought over which one of them was his Summoner:

  Faced with Rem and Shera arguing, Takuma was at a loss of what to do. While he may have been a superior player back in the game, he couldn’t talk with other people if his life depended on it. After struggling over what to say, the words that came out of his mouth were from the Demon Lord role play he had used in the game:

  “Cease your pointless squabbling. You are in the presence of Diablo.”

  Diablo soon after found himself foiling an invasion of one hundred Fallen, led by a Fallen named Edelgard, as well as an attack from within itself at the hands of the Fallen, Gregore. Diablo then later found himself the recipient of a quest from the governor of Faltra, Galford. Prince Keera of the elven kingdom of Greenwood had demanded Shera be returned to him, threatening open war with Faltra against the country of elves should compliance fail. The details of Galford’s quest were simply to find a way to avoid the war. The bespectacled, straight-and-narrow Imperial Knight Alicia was assigned to the group as an observer to watch over their actions.

  Using the Marionette’s Flute, Keera manipulated Shera and unleashed a forbidden Summon called the Force Hydra—yet Diablo still managed to rescue her.

  After her rescue, the group set off to resurrect the Demon Lord Krebskulm trapped inside Rem. But, in the process, Krebskulm had lost a portion of her memories as a Demon Lord, being reduced to a biscuit-loving young girl, who was then nicknamed “Klem.”

  Peaceful days passed by...

  Suddenly, Alicia betrayed the group! Now awakened as a true Demon Lord, Klem went into a destructive frenzy. But thanks to one of Diablo’s ultimate spells and the sound of Rem’s and Shera’s voices, Klem was subdued and reverted to her biscuit-loving form. To ensure Klem would never go berserk again, Diablo bound her with the same enslavement magic afflicted upon Shera and Rem.

  Through a string of coincidences, or perhaps God’s own guidance, Diablo found himself rescuing Lumachina, a holy woman, from the Paladin Gewalt. Being a High Priest, Lumachina was the highest ranking member of the church. However, due to her attempts at ridding the church of corruption and avarice, she was nearly assassinated. Still seeking to reform the corrupt church, Lumachina sought the help of the Paladin Captain, Batutta, setting out to meet him in Zircon Tower.

  Located in the perilous expanse of the former Demon Lord’s Domain, Diablo’s group of Adventurers accompanied her as bodyguards. After a long journey, they arrived at their destination, and were greeted by Batutta.

  While there, Diablo claimed back his own dungeon, gained many pieces of helpful equipment and items, and fought off the new Demon Lord’s army, gaining new allies in the process: the grasswalker, Horn, and the magimatic maid, Rose.

  Shortly after, Horn decided to change classes and study to become a sorcerer, leaving for the magic academy.

  But they could not celebrate their victories, however. Having been informed that the elven king, Shera’s father, had passed away, the four traveled to her homeland where Shera was already engaged to a pig-faced elf called Drango (for the sake of the country, of course). Diablo attempted to prevent the wedding, giving her a wedding ring and assuming the throne as the new king of Greenwood.

  Afterward, to prepare for his upcoming battle with the Demon Overlord Modinaram, Diablo set out to meet the legendary swordmaster and level up as a warrior, only to find (to his great surprise) that the current swordmaster and heir to the previous is none other than a dwarven girl called Sasara.

  The previous swordmaster, revealed to be Sasara’s stepfather, Graham, sought to master the blade with such zeal that he transformed his body into that of an oni. But, despite his efforts, Sasara struck down Graham, proving once and for all her overwhelming prowess.

  At the same time, the Demon Overlord Modinaram was marching its armies upon Faltra. By using the Demon Lord Cannon, they leveled the ground near the city walls, causing it to partially collapse, cutting off the Fallen-warding barrier in the process. The governor, Galford, and other adventurers including Emile were severely injured in combat. Even Klem and Edelgard suffered bitter defeats at Modinaram’s hands. The races teetered on the brink of defeat.

  Arriving on the scene in the nick of time, Diablo fought Modinaram, with Sasara and Rose taking up the vanguard. With the help of a gacha item Diablo had held onto, Modinaram was successfully defeated. Diablo rescued Rem, who’d been manipulated by the Demon Overlord, and gave her his second wedding ring...

  Three days after the battle with the Demon Overlord—

  The Fallen-warding barrier was once again erected over the city of Faltra. Galford declared the battle a victory, and the town was revived in celebration.

  Diablo took refuge in the Peace of Mind Inn - Hideout, resting the days away, when suddenly, Rem and Shera crept onto his bed, both clad in white dresses.

  “...This is all your fault, you know... I’ve been waiting for you, but you wouldn’t come to my room once these past three days.”

  “That’s right, it’s all your fault, Diablo.” Shera nodded. “I never knew you didn’t actually do it properly.”

  The two girls’ lips drew toward Diablo’s. Rem and Shera were breathing more heavily than usual, as their lips...


  Lyferian calendar, twelfth month, twenty-eighth day—

  Today, the races rejoiced in jovial celebration over their victory. There wasn’t a single cloud in the clear blue sky, and the sun shone down brightly. Despite it being the height of winter, the heat was almost overbearing.

  The main street and square of the citadel city of Faltra were lined with stalls. Since it coincided with the new year celebrations, they were also bustling with never before seen activity. So much so that even the merchants who couldn’t find a spot to set up in time and had to open their stalls outside the gates were getting steady streams of customers.

  Every day was like a festival, and the townspeople owed it all to a single hero who had felled the Demon Overlord Modinaram. And this very hero, praised and sung of by the people, was currently...

  ...cowering and panicking on top of his bed.

  “I was... I am a busy man!”

  Diablo struggled to come up with an excuse, but Rem and Shera ignored him as if doing so was a given. He’d been loitering about in his room for the last three days, so any claims he made to being “busy” were unconvincing at best.

  The two crept closer. He turned his eyes to the right, only to be met with Rem’s gaze. She was staring at him fixedly without so much as a blink, her cat ears twitching excitedly. Her black tail was wagging and slapping his leg repeatedly.

  “...This is all your fault.”

  “That’s right, it’s all your fault, Diablo...”

  Turning his gaze to the left, he found his sight obstructed by Shera’s bosom. Every time she moved and stirred, her breasts jiggled, her swellings round, large, soft, and visibly within arm’s reach... This fact rammed itself into Diablo’s thoughts and blew back all notions of common sense. Shera was blushing, too, but regarded him with an amused smile. She may well have had no idea of what was supposed to happen next. A sweet aroma mixed in with an animalistic smell and the scent of grass.

  Diablo felt a shiver run down his spine.

  “Aaah... Uuu...”

  He was bad at talking to people. He always became concerned with how the other person saw him and would freeze up. What if I screwed up? What if they think I’m stupid? Maybe they hate me? Such thoughts made any escaping words cling to his throat. That was why he had to role play a character, and right now, he was a Demon Lord. A feared Demon Lord everyone shrank away from out of fear, which was precisely why he went with such a profile. So, believing that what others said weren’t about his true character underneath, he spoke freely.

  Right now, however, he didn’t have that freedom.

  Cat ears, those lips, the boobs, elf ears...

  If he wasn’t careful, his embarrassment could scream through his expression, and no Demon Lord was ever that lame!

  ...But, on the other hand, it felt like it wasn’t right to let the two’s advances go unanswered.

  But how do I do that...?

  Forget a girlfriend, he never had any female friends to hang out with on his days off...or male friends, for that matter.

  Lying on the bed helplessly, Diablo jerked his left hand’s middle finger.


  ...Sadly, there was no mouse to respond to the gesture, and imagining one didn’t result in, well, anything. He didn’t exhibit the charisma or technique of a visual novel protagonist who’d proactively take the lead in such a situation.


  But if I imagine the game, I can still cast magic!

  In this world, when Diablo imagined he was casting a sp
ell just like in Cross Reverie, the magic activated as it would in the game. He didn’t know how it worked, but that was why he’d imagined a mouse to click just now. However, Cross Reverie wasn’t a visual novel and didn’t have any bedtime scenes, and so, of course, it didn’t have any features that would help Diablo in his current plight on top of the bed.

  In the end, all he could do was stiffen up like a board. He was perfectly still, as if he’d been petrified. Would they take his silence as consent? Or maybe they’d think he didn’t really have a say in the matter after he gave the both of them wedding rings. Whatever the case, Rem’s and Shera’s lips were closing in on his. Their breathing was much heavier than usual.

  As the tension rose, a certain premonition came over Diablo...

  Whenever something like this happens, doesn’t...

  The door swung open with a thud.

  ...There it is.

  The one who flung the inn’s door open was none other than Sylvie, a redheaded Grasswalker who was the guildmaster of Faltra’s Adventurer’s Guild.

  “Diablo, we have trouble!”

  Hmph... You dare disturb my slumber, Sylvie? Do not expect to leave unscathed if it is merely a trifling matter.

  ...Was what he recited in his mind, but he couldn’t actually put it into words with the two girls bearing down on him as they were.

  “...We’re busy, Sylvie.” Rem directed a lethal glare in the Grasswalker’s direction.

  “That’s right!” Shera raised her voice as well. “We’re doing something really important!”

  “Huh?” Sylvie faltered. “No, but...”

  “It can wait.”

  “Just wait a bit, okay, Sylvie?”

  Rem rejected her firmly, while Shera earnestly implored her.

  “Aaah... Y-Yeah... Well, if you insist...” Sylvie retreated with surprising ease.

  Are you really that cool with this, guildmaster of the Adventurer’s Guild?!

  The door closed, leaving the three of them alone once more.

  I didn’t think they’d actually get her to leave...

  Diablo thought the tension had gone down, but Rem and Shera looked at him with tense expressions.

  “...I get the feeling that if we let you get away now, we’ll never get another chance like this.”


  “R-Really? Maybe we should take this a little more slowly and think this thr—”

  “Sit still, Diablo.”

  “Don’t move!”

  Yes, ma’ams...

  Their bodies were nearly upon him, to the point where any movement would lead to him rubbing against all sorts of...places. He couldn’t budge. Rem and Shera brought their lips closer to him, Diablo feeling their breaths against him. As the two girls became the only thing in his sight, Diablo squeezed his eyes shut.

  A soft sensation pressed against his lips.

  Shera kissed him lightly, with Rem pecking at him, wet noises resounding in Diablo’s ear. Both of their faces were redder than before. Diablo also felt a little heat spread across his cheeks too.


  They kissed him. The feeling of intoxication that had filled his mind sank its fangs even deeper than ever before. Diablo’s discomposure only accelerated from here.

  “Is that it?” Shera asked Rem. “Are we done?”

  “...No, this is only the first part of the beginning phase. It’s like we’re still only at the start. Besides, if kissing were enough, we’d already done so when we first summoned him.”

  “Oh, right, the Enslavement Ritual. We did do that, huh?”


  “I didn’t expect the collars to appear on us though!”

  “...And I never expected myself to be in this...situation with the person I summoned.”

  Rem reached out her hand, moving things along to the next step in the act. Shera followed her example and reached out as well. Their fingers made contact with Diablo, prompting them both to jolt in surprise.

  “...I-It’s hard...”

  “Wow, it’s so solid...”

  Being on the receiving end made him sit still as if he were petrified, with even his breath frozen in his throat.

  “...This is Diablo’s...” Rem whispered huskily with excitement.

  “It’s so smooth...” Shera commented as she caressed it.

  “...Indeed...” Rem patted the tip while Shera’s fingers crawled over him. It was somewhat ticklish...

  “...We need to...lick this...” Rem said after a few caresses, as if steeling her resolve.

  “Wait, is doing that all right?!”

  “...I’ve never done this before so I don’t really know, but...according to the book I’ve read, it should be...”

  “Lick Diablo’s...”


  “M-My horn?!”

  The two of them were touching a horn atop Diablo’s head. He was a bit nervous they might end up removing his headgear, the Distorted Crown, but given it had never came off once, not even during battle, it would likely be all right. The Distorted Crown had an HP regeneration effect which made it quite valuable, but it also had the secondary cosmetic effect of making it appear as if there were horns growing out of the wearer’s head. Were they mistaking it for something else, perhaps...?

  Rem and Shera extended their tongues toward his horn. It was an oddly nerve-wracking experience. The tips of their tongues were on the verge of touching it, so minisculely close, when...

  Another, stronger knock rapped at the door. It didn’t seem like it was Sylvie this time.

  “Diablo, are you there?!” a man’s voice called out from the other side. “Please, this is urgent!”

  Diablo racked his brains in an attempt to recall the man’s name. He could easily memorize pages of game lore, but was helpless when it came to attaching a name to a face or voice.

  “...Boris?” Rem asked before he could remember. “We’re occupied at the moment.”

  Right—the man shouting from behind the door was Boris. He was one of Faltra’s garrisoned troops, a subordinate of Galford.

  “The lieutenant general’s at this inn!”

  “What?!” Diablo called out despite himself.

  If that were the case, this really was no time for intimacy. The lieutenant general Boris spoke of was none other than Faltra’s governor, Chester Ray Galford, an accomplished warrior, and a man Diablo couldn’t afford to be careless around. It seemed Diablo’s time of loitering about on his bed had reached an end...

  Chapter 1: Being Summoned to the Capital

  The group moved to the Peace of Mind Inn - Hideout’s first floor. This hall was meant only for serving food to the guests and didn’t function as a restaurant, so it looked more like a noble’s dining hall. It was a wide room with an elongated table in the middle with several chairs around it. The walls were adorned with flowers and portraits, and there wasn’t anything resembling a menu in sight.

  Sitting on the furthest chair was the governor, Galford. Boris and the other soldiers were waiting outside the room. Sylvie was also seated opposite Diablo’s group.

  I didn’t do anything wrong...did I?

  Not that he recalled, anyway... He felt the sort of pressure a student would feel when they were called to the student council office after being caught making out behind the gym.

  Never thought I’d be in this situation when I can’t even talk to a girl properly!

  His lack of confidence only made it harder to stay.

  As he stood silently, Rem parted her lips to speak first, asking, “What business brings you here today, Sir Galford?”

  “I sent a decree calling for your urgent presence the other day. Did you not receive it?”

  Diablo barely recalled the inn’s poster girl, little Mei, delivering him some exaggerated letter to which he said he’d read later...and proceeded to throw it off the side of the bed. This tendency of his to leave things he didn’t quite care about for later was part of why he couldn’t blend in with normal society...

  “...Diablo is not subordinate to you, and neither are any of the other adventurers. What authority do you have to summon his presence?”

  “Royal authority. All citizens of Lyferia are obligated to abide by the king’s word and order.”